Lucky to be Alive
to the Bible, God’s “chosen people” were the tribe of Israel.
In the
New Testament this is expanded to include anyone who accepts Jesus as the
Messiah. For a long time this has, by extension, been interpreted by many as
inferring that humanity is somehow unique. The long-held misconception that the
Earth lay at the centre of the universe only served to reinforce this belief.
Ever since science was able to firmly establish that the Sun, Moon, planets and
stars do not revolve around the
Earth, but are, in fact, celestial bodies in their own right, there have been
writers who have speculated about the possibility that life could exist
elsewhere in the universe.
Despite the
efforts of conspiracy theorists and the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence) programme, there has, as yet, been no firm evidence discovered
(at least, none that is in the public domain) that proves the existance of even
microbial life beyond the Earth. This is despite the fact that current
scientific thinking suggests that intelligent life should be reasonably
abundant in our galaxy (and, by extension, in every other galaxy).
There is a
famous speculative equation – known as the Drake Equatiom – that is used to
find a viable estimate of the number of civilisations in our galaxy that are
capable of interstellar communication. It reads:
N = R* fp ne
fl fi fc l
N = the number of civilisations
that are detectable in our galaxy
R* = the number of
stars formed per year
fp = the fraction of
stars with planets
ne = the number of such
planets that lie at the “right” distance from the star
fl = the probability of
life forming on such planets
fi = the probability of
such life attaining intelligence
fc = the probability that
intelligence becomes technologically advanced
l = length of time they transmit
detectable signals
are reasonably certain about the left-handmost element of this equation and
become decreasingly confident as you go towards the right, until the last
element is reached, which is usually little more than an educated guess.
Despite this uncertainty, there is broad agreement about the results, which
suggest that, if all of the intelligent life in the galaxy was evenly spread,
then our nearest intelligent neighbours would be between twenty and fifty light
years away. Expressed as miles, this seems quite distant: 120 to 300 million
million miles. However, on the cosmic scale this really is “on our doorstep”.
Mankind has been pumping radio signals into the galaxy for over one hundred years.
The earliest of these signals would have passed dozens of intelligent aliens’
planets by now, if they exist and are evenly spread in the galaxy. If they,
also, used radio, then we would expect to have picked up their signals by now. So why haven’t we?
the alien civilisations would not be
evenly spread. Our galaxy is a “barred spiral”, meaning that the stars are
clustered in a characteristic pattern. This takes the form of a “bar” at the
centre, from the ends of which “arms” spiral out. There is a greater
concentration of stars near the centre of the galaxy and also near the centre
of each arm. The Earth is located about a third of the way out from the centre
and towards the edge of an arm. Hence, there are considerably fewer stars in
our region of space than in most other parts of the galaxy. It is also the case
that any alien civilisations would be “randomly” scattered, creating regions
with high densities of civilisation and others with low densities. Earth may
simply be in a “low density” region.
the search for alien life is concentrating on radio signals (and only selected
frequencies). Mankind has been using radio for about a century, but already we
are moving on to other methods of communication. It may be that any aliens out
there have long-since moved on from radio.
There is a
third possibility. It may be that scientists have simply got it wrong (it would
not be the first time!) Recent discoveries are shedding more light on the way
that life has evolved on Earth that seem to suggest that it is almost a miracle
that we have survived at all. This may mean that the values that are inserted
into the “life” equation will have to be re-evaluated.
It must be
realised that we are faced with a huge problem when trying to estimate the prevalence
of life in the galaxy – that is, that we only have one model of life on which
to base our calculations: that of Earth. It is hoped that what follows will
succesfully take this into account, but it should be continually borne in mind
that strange and exotic methods for the creation of life (and, ultimately,
intelligence) may exist that can never be taken into account (until, of course,
we encounter them).
For our
purposes, we will use a modified version of the life equation:
N = S x Sv
x P x L x I x T
N = the
total number of intelligent species in the galaxy
S = the
total number of stars in the galaxy
Sv = the
proportion of stars that are suitable for supporting life
P = the
proportion of stars that have suitable planets
L = the proportion
of suitable planets on which life forms
I = the
proportion of life forms that develop intelligence
T = the
likelihood of such intelligence both surviving and still being extant
As with the
original equation, science is increasingly uncertain as we move from left to
right through this equation. However, as we examine each part in detail, we may
begin to discover that science is more uncertain that it once thought.
S – The number of stars in our galaxy
This the
one number about which few would argue. Over the past hundred years the figure
has been revised many times, but recent scientific advances have now set this
number – fairly certainly – at around two billion (2,000,000,000).
Sv – The proportion of stars suitable for supporting life
Until now,
science has largely taken the view that, if a star exists, it almost certainly
able to support life if there is a planet of appropriate size and distance.
Thus, they have taken the view that this part of the equation should be given a
value so close to 1 (i.e. 100%) that it may as well be 1.
this utterly fails to take into consideration a number of factors. The most
significant of these is that a large proportion of stars do not exist alone:
they come in pairs or groups of three or more. In the majority of such systems,
any planets would be totally incapable of supporting life. This is because of a
number of factors: the high levels of radiation, the bizarre gravitational
fields and the extreme magnetic fields to name but three. Whilst it is
conceivable that life in some other form could exist in such environments, it
seems that such life would be rare indeed. Hence, we should eliminate all stars
that exist in multiple systems. The best estimates suggest that up to 90% of
stars exist in such systems.
There are
other factors that affect the viability of a star for supporting life that
affect our figures less drastically. For example, a significant number of stars
lie in “globular clusters”. These clusters of mostly very old stars are roughly
spherical in shape and orbit the centre of the galaxy in highly eccentric ways.
What diminishes the stars in these clusters ability to support life is that
they are so densely crowded in the cluster. It is probable that the radiation
within the cluster would be too high to allow life. It must also be realised
that any star in the cluster that explodes as a supernova would saturate the
entire cluster with lethal radiation.
Some stars
are also too short-lived. They burn so fast that there simply would not be
enough time for life to evolve. Other stars are too variable – they literally
flare up and die back down. In fact, all
stars seem to be variable to some degree, but our Sun is considered to among
the least variable. Had our Sun been just a little more variable then life as
we know it would never have been able to evolve on Earth. It seems likely,
therefore, that a star that is too variable could not support life.
With all of
these factors taken into consideration, it is probable that only a fraction of
a percent of stars are actually suitable for life. If we give some allowance
for exotic forms of life that could develop in unusual environments then a
reasonable figure for Sv would seem to be around 0.01 (1%).
P – The proportion of stars with suitable planets
The process
of planetary formation is still rather poorly understood, but it is generally
believed that stars form from large clouds of dust and gas that gradually
coalesce under the force of gravity, until they reach a “critical mass” and
ignite as stars. Inevitably, this process has a substantial amount of “left
over” material that will usually go on to form larger bodies. Thus, it is
generally accepted that almost all stars will have some sort of planetary
system. The question, therefore, is whether such planets include one or more
that is capable of supporting life.
define a “Goldilocks Zone” around stars, which is the region where conditions
are “just right” for supporting life. Any planet closer than this zone would
suffer too much radiation, while planets outside this zone would be too cold.
Unsurprisingly, this zone is defined based upon our experiences here in the
solar system, but are nevertheless based on reasonably sound scientific
principles. For example, high radiation or heat are known to cause RNA
molecules to break down, so it is not unreasonable to conclude that life as we
know it could not survive on a planet too close to its sun. Unusual forms of
life have a better chance of survival in the colder regions of a star’s system.
For example, a large enough body circling a large gas giant is subject to a lot
of gravitational stress that would keep the body warm. There are a number of
scenarios in which such a body could harbour life. However, conditions would at
the least be harsh and may be so variable as to preclude the long-term survival
of all but the most primitive organisms.
proportion of life-capable planets outside the Goldilocks zone is likely to be
very small, so we will concentrate on those that may lie within that zone.
Within our own system, this zone was originally believed to stretch from the
orbit of Venus out to that of Mars, with our Earth conveniently and ideally
placed between the two. Mars proved to be too small to sustain life – at least
over the long term. Today, it’s atmosphere is too thin and its interior has
cooled to the extent that there is no volcanic or tectonic activity. However,
had Mars been significantly larger, it is possible that it may have been able
to harbour life, if the conditions had been right. Venus, on the other hand, is
almost identical to Earth in size, but is even less hospitable than Mars
because of the “runaway greenhouse effect”. Because Venus is so much closer to
the Sun, and therefore much warmer, the atmosphere was unable to retain the
lighter molecules, such as water, and is, instead, thick with heavy molecules
that act like a blanket, trapping radiation and heating the surface to a
temperature that would melt lead. The general consensus, now, is that this
effect is probably inevitable for a planet as close as Venus is to the Sun.
Therefore, the Goldilocks zone, for our system, is now believed to start
somewhat beyond the orbit of Venus and end somewhere close to the orbit of
habitable zone for other stars varies according to the nature of the star. For
the cooler (generally redder) stars, this zone begins and ends closer in. For
the larger, hotter (generally bluer) stars it is farther out. The size and
temperature of the star has little effect on the width of the zone, as cooler stars have gentler radiation, allowing
for a wider zone, while larger stars are more energetic, reducing the width of
the zone.
We need to
consider, therefore, the likelihood of a planet forming within the habitable
zone. Until recently, the only model for comparison was our own system, but in
1995 the first planet beyond our solar system was confirmed and many others
have been found since. At the time of writing almost two thousand have been
confirmed or strongly suspected. However, these planets have only been found by
indirect means: as the planet passes the star, it causes a slight dip in the
star’s light-level, a dip that has been likened to a flea passing a car’s
headlight a mile away. As yet, we cannot “see” other systems and the majority
of the planets found have been gas giants similar to Jupiter. Hence, our
knowledge of planetary formation remains speculative. However, using computer
models based on the knowledge we do have, there is a reasonable assumption that
around half of all stars will have planets form within the Goldilocks zone.
For our
present purpose, we are considering planets that are suitable for life.
Location, alone, is not sufficient. We must also consider the nature of the
planet. In our solar system there are a variety of bodies: Gas giants, rocky
planets, sub-planets, asteroids, comets and other, smaller debris. For a body
to be capable of sustaining life it must be large enough to retain an
atmosphere, but not so large as to have a crushing gravity. The gas giants are
all too large and anything smaller than the rocky planets is too small.
There are
four rocky planets in our system: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. As has
already been stated, Mars is too small. It has been unable to retain all but
the thinnest of atmospheres and its interior is now too cold. Mercury is even
smaller than Mars. Only Venus and Earth are of sufficient size.
With as yet
a limited understanding of planetary formation, there is no certainty as to the
proportion of planets that are of the “right” size. Computer models seem to
suggest that our solar system is fairly typical, meaning that, of the eight
large bodies in our system, two are of appropriate size, giving a proportion of
one in four. Given that half of stars have planets in the habitable zone, this
suggests that one in eight would have a planet in this zone of suitable size.
The picture
is not so simple, however. The computer models tell us that the Earth – and the
other planets – were not always where they are now. When the solar system first
formed, Jupiter and Saturn were much closer in and the rocky planets were
further out. Over time, Jupiter and Saturn entered into a period of orbital
resonance, where, for every “year” on one of them, precisely two “years” passed
for the other. Thus, every two “years” their gravity combined to “nudge” the
other bodies in the solar system. Over time, this continual “nudging” had a
dramatic effect on the solar system. All of the planets were pushed into
different orbits, Neptune was turned onto its
side, Pluto was sent into a highly eccentric orbit and huge numbers of smaller
bodies were sent to the outer reaches of the solar system (more on this later).
Jupiter and Saturn were themselves affected, albeit more slowly.
It is only
due to this “coincidence” of Jupiter and Saturn in orbital resonance that the
Earth and the other rocky planets are where they are now. It is, as yet,
impossible to determine how common such an event is, but it is almost certainly
not inevitable in every system. It is also very likely that in many systems
such an event would have the opposite effect, pushing smaller bodies outwards
rather than in, or into highly eccentric orbits.
computer models seem to suggest that rocky planets rarely form within the
habitable zone and only a fortuitous cosmic coincidence can push them into that
zone. However, allowance must be made for the fact that science has only an
imperfect understanding of planetary formation. If the computer models are
completely wrong, then, at best, one in eight stars have a rocky planet of
sufficient size within the habitable zone (P = 0.125). On the other hand, it
may be that the positioning of a rocky planet in the habitable zone is a very
rare event indeed (P = near zero). For the time being, let us assume a
reasonable compromise between these two extremes and set P, the probability of
a suitable planet forming in the habitable zone, at 0.01 (1%).
L – The proportion of suitable planets on which life
The most
difficult aspect of this part of the equation is finding a suitable definition
of “life”. Scientists and philosophers have struggled with this question for
centuries, but it is essential to find some sort of answer if we are to
determine the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe.
For our
purposes, we are not, at this point, concerned with whether an organism
develops into something more complex (that is considered in the next section),
but it must, surely, be capable of
development. Thus, for our purposes here, “life” is considered to be any entity
that is able to reproduce itself and has the capacity for development into a
more complex entity. Our main consideration, therefore, is whether a planet
harbours conditions that allow for such an entity to exist.
Life as we
know it is often described as “carbon-based”, because all such life contains
three elements: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It is a well-known principle of
chemistry that these three combine readily in an almost infinite variety of
forms and, especially, into the larger, more complex molecules that are the
basis of life. It has been speculated that other elements than carbon
(especially silicon) could be combined with hydrogen and oxygen to form
sufficiently complex molecules to produce life. Whilst other, even more exotic,
combinations may be possible, it is important
to consider that only a limited number of elements are abundantly available in
the universe.
When the
universe began the only elements present were the two lightest: hydrogen and
helium. As these condensed to form stars, the nuclear reactions in these stars
began to combine the hydrogen and helium atoms to form heavier elements, such
as carbon, silicon and oxygen. However, the heaviest element that can be formed
in this way is iron. The only way that elements heavier than this can form is
in the death-throes of stars, when the massive explosions can force the
elements to fuse together. Thus, while hydrogen and helium are extremely common
in the universe, the lighter elements up to iron are also relatively common and
the heavier ones are very rare. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that any
life would be based upon these lightest elements. The only certain combination
that produces life is carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The only other speculated
combination that uses the lightest elements replaces carbon with silicon.
Thus, for a
planet to produce life it would need a sufficient quantity of oxygen, hydrogen
and carbon or silicon, readily available where it is needed. It is the question
of availability that is most important here. The way that planets form tends to
cause the heavier elements to concentrate in the core, while the lighter
elements rise to the surface. Hence, both carbon and silicon tend to be readily
available on the surface of any rocky planet.
The real
question lies with the availability of hydrogen and oxygen. Both are common
elements, so are present in large quantities when a planet forms. The first
issue, therefore, is whether the planet is able to retain its supply of these
elements. When a star first ignites, it sends a powerful shockwave out into
space. Any lighter elements, such as hydrogen and oxygen, are carried away by
this shockwave to the outer reaches of the system. This same shockwave would
also have the effect of “scouring” any young planet of its atmosphere if it is
close enough – and any planet within the Goldilocks zone would certainly be
close enough. Therefore, if any planet is to harbour life, it must retain a
sufficient quantity of hydrogen and oxygen (and other gases) within its body to
replenish its atmosphere.
It is
assumed that any planet would still be very young at the time its star ignites.
Such a planet would still be extremely hot and many chemical reactions would be
taking place that are now seen only rarely on Earth. Such reactions would
release large quantities of hydrogen and oxygen. However, the vast majority of
these elements would be locked into molecules that are of little use to any
potential life. It is generally believed that water is an essential ingredient
of life. In the early years of a planet water would boil off, often ejected
into space, or combined with other gases to form other, even more toxic
compounds. This, it would seem, is the most likely fate of such a planet: to be
shrouded in a toxic mix of acids. So, why isn’t Earth like that?
Once again,
we have the fortuitous orbital resonance of Jupiter and Saturn to thank. It
will come as no surprise that the bodies most affected by this were the
smallest and lightest. Among the smallest and lightest in our solar system are
the comets, which are mostly composed of ice and dust. When Jupiter and Saturn
began to affect these, many were sent into highly eccentric orbits, while the
rest were flung out to the farthest reaches of our system. Over the following
millenia, those in eccentric orbits inevitably came into contact with other
bodies in the system. It is now believed that a large proportion of the free
water on Earth arrived as a result of these comets impacting us in a period
known as the “late heavy bombardment”.
It is
likely that any planet that is nudged into the Goldilocks zone in the way that
Earth was would also undergo a similar bombardment, as the same process is
involved in both incidents. There are also a number of other ways in which
water might be delivered to a planet. However, planets that form in the
Goldilocks zone by other means are far less likely to receive a sufficient
supply of water.
So, any
planet is almost certain to have a sufficiency of carbon or silicon, but it is
far less certain that there will be enough water, and hence hydrogen and
oxygen. Any figure we put on this is rather speculative, but it seems likely
that the chances of such a planet having all of the necessary ingredients for
life is unlikely to be better than one in ten (L = 0.1).
Having the
basic ingredients is only the first step in producing life. Those ingredients
must be combined, with other elements, in the right conditions for life to
appear. The “other elements” are not an issue, here, as almost all elements are
likely to be present and there is an almost infinite variety of combinations
that could, potentially, create life.
has shown that, given the same “chemical soup” as existed on the early Earth,
the application of a jolt of electricity (e.g. lightning) will cause the
creation of RNA, the basic building-block of DNA. It has also been discovered
that many of the components of that “chemical soup”, such as amino acids, exist
freely in space. It is not hard to see how such chemicals would arrive on
Earth. Hence, a planet with sufficient water is extremely likely to harbour the
conditions for creating RNA. In fact, it is so likely as to be considered more
or less certain. With no information to the contrary, we must assume that this
is equally true for forms of life not based on carbon.
It is not
known with certainty what factors were involved in causing RNA to combine to
form DNA. Many theories exist about the conditions required. It is possible
that most or all of these are actually true. In other words, so long as there
is sufficient RNA available, there are a large range of conditions which would
allow its combination. It is equally possible that there is only a single, very
specific instance where such a combination is permissible. The growing
consensus, such as it is, is that, if RNA is present in sufficient quantities,
then the formation of DNA will almost always happen eventually. In the absence
of better information, we will, for the purpose of this calculation, assume
this to be true.
There are,
however, quite a number of “ifs” and “maybes” in the above: a planet may not be
in a part of space where the ingredients of the “chemical soup” are abundant;
it may have a neighbouring planet of such size (planets up to ten times the
size of Jupiter appear to be quite common) that it “gobbles up” too many of the
comets to allow enough free water on the rocky neighbour; a planet may have an
eccentric orbit that creates temperature extremes too great for RNA to survive.
There are a number of other ways in which a planet may not be able to create or
support RNA. It seems reasonable, therefore, to assume that, at best, a planet
that otherwise has an abundance of the right ingredients, nevertheless only
creates life about half of the time (it is likely to be far less than this).
Therefore, we can set L, the probability of life forming on a suitable planet,
at 0.05 (5%).
I – The proportion of life forms that develop
previous section considers only the potential for creating life that may develop intelligence. This section
must consider a vast number of factors to determine the likelihood that these
primitive organisms could reach a point in their development where they are
capable of interstellar communication.
On the
basis of our only working model (Earth), one significant criterion required for
the development of intelligence is time. Ignoring speculations about “ancient
civilisations”, life on Earth only developed the intelligence necessary for
interstellar communication sometime in the last two hundred thousand years (the
technology is far more recent, but it
is believed that the earliest forms of homo sapiens were of similar
intelligence to ourselves. If they had had the technology they could have used
it.) The Earth formed around five and a half billion years ago, but was
initially somewhat inhospitable. The first life on Earth probably formed around
four billion years ago.
The fact
that it took life around four billion years to develop technology on Earth does
not mean we can assume so long a time is required in all cases. There have been
events in Earth’s past that may have extended the time required here (we will
come to these shortly). However, the Earth took one and a half billion years to
cool and settle into a condition that was conducive to life; a similar time
frame is probably required in all cases.
Once life
appeared, it began the slow process of transforming the planet. Initially,
Earth had little free oxygen and the earliest life forms processed other
chemicals in order to survive. It was this process that gradually transformed
the Earth, as one of the “waste” products of these early life forms was oxygen.
Whilst it is conceivable that life could have evolved without free oxygen,
there is good reason to believe that it would have been limited in its ability
to evolve. Organisms that utilise carbon dioxide, for example, metabolise their
energy slowly and are thus unlikely to evolve beyond plants. It also seems
likely that, once a sufficiency of carbon dioxide-consuming organisms have
developed, a “tipping point” is reached, where the levels of free oxygen will
begin to rise and the available carbon dioxide reduces. Once this happens,
oxygen-consuming organisms will develop. As these metabolise far faster, they
are more “aggressive” and rapidly develop. On Earth, this process appears to
have taken about one and a half billion years.
At some
point, more complex organisms may develop. On Earth this happened a little over
half a billion years ago and development from that time has been relatively
At a
minimum, a planet needs over a billion years to cool sufficiently to allow life
to form, another billion years for that life to “terraform” the planet to
conditions suited to more aggressive life-forms and then a further half a
billion years for these life-forms to evolve intelligence. At a minimum, a
planet must be at least two and a half billion years old to harbour intelligent
The process
of evolution may, of course, take longer than this, as it has on Earth. There
is no reason not to assume that it requires considerably longer than the time
it has taken here in some instances. However, not all planets will get the
required time. Our Sun is about half-way through its “life”. In about four
billion years it will begin the process that will lead eventually to its
“death”. At that time its output will be some 10% higher than it is today; it
will begin to expand, rapidly engulfing the planet Mercury and eventually also
Venus, Earth and Mars. Eventually, the internal fires will start to grow
cooler. The outer layers of the Sun will be blown off, leaving behind a slowly
cooling red dwarf.
life-cycle of our Sun is similar to the majority of stars. However, the larger
a star is, the shorter its life-span. Our Sun is described as a “yellow dwarf”,
because of its colour and relatively small size. Some stars are so massive that
they complete their life-cycle in less than the two and a half billion years
required by life. Many others complete it in a shorter time than our Sun.
Thus, we
can eliminate those planets which are not old enough and which orbit stars with
too short a life-cycle. A reasonable approximation of this would be about a
quarter of them (I = 0.75).
One factor
was not fully considered earlier, in the development of life, as it has greater
relevance here. That is, relative
For most of
its history, the Earth has enjoyed a fairly stable orbit. Once it had reached
its current position, it soon settled down into an orbit that is close to
circular and close to the plane of the solar system (an imaginary, huge circle
that extends outwards from the Sun’s equator) and with an axis of rotation
tilted at around twenty three degrees from the perpendicular, without too much
variation. This relative stability has given the inhabitants of Earth an
environment that has never reached extremes so great as to wipe out life. But
the source of this stability has been, possibly, the single greatest slice of
luck that life on Earth has been dealt: the Moon.
As satellites
go, the Moon is huge compared to its primary (in this case, Earth). Although
there are larger satellites than the Moon in the solar system, they all orbit
planets that are hundreds of times larger than Earth. Had the Moon been
orbiting Mars, we would probably have described it as a “double planet” system.
The best computer modelling suggests that the natural formation of
double-planets is so rare that they as well be considered impossible. So, how
did the Earth-Moon system form?
the Earth formed on its own, as did the Moon. It is probable that the Moon
formed at the same distance as the Earth from the Sun, but at a location about
a third of the way along its orbit. This location, known as a “LaGrange Point”
is usually stable, and it is probable that the Moon could have stayed there to
this day. However, tidal forces from Jupiter gradually pulled it out of this
stable orbit and it was set on a collision course with Earth. The nature of
that collision was the next great slice of fortune for Earth. The Moon struck a
glancing blow, heavily damaging both bodies without completely shattering them.
This allowed the Earth to retain huge amounts of material blasted out by the
collision (and possibly increasing its mass somewhat), but also allowed the
Moon to retain sufficient mass to become the body it is today. Further, the
mass of the Moon then settled into an orbit that was at the closest possible distance. This point is crucial to the
development of life on Earth. If the Moon had been any closer, it would have
spiralled back into the Earth, forming a single, larger body. If it had been
any further out, it would have rapidly spiralled away from the Earth.
So, it is a
matter of great fortune that we have the Moon, but why is this so important? It
all comes down to tides.
Because of
its great size and proximity, the Moon exerts a significant gravitational pull
on the Earth. The side closest to the Moon is pulled outwards, forming a bulge
on the surface that travels around the Earth as it spins. The most obvious
evidence of this is the tides of the oceans, but this tidal pull is also
exerted on the more solid parts of the Earth and this played a crucial role in
the development of life.
The tidal
pull of the Moon acts like a “brake” on the Earth – a slight drag that is
causing it to slow down. This effect is tiny, but cumulative. We are used to a
twenty-four hour day, but the drag of the Moon has been lengthening days ever
since it formed. Originally, the Earth was spinning so quickly that a single day
passed in less than six hours. We can only speculate on the effect this would
have had on the development of life had the Moon not been there to slow it
down. As Newton
famously said, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. While the Earth
has been spinning ever-slower, the Moon has been revolving around the Earth
ever faster. Again, this effect is tiny, but cumulative. As anyone who has sat
on a roundabout in a playground can attest, as things rotate faster, the more
it is pushed away from the centre of rotation. As the Moon has got faster, it
has slowly been moving away from the Earth. This means that, in the distant
past, it was much closer to the Earth and, therefore, its gravitational (tidal)
influence was far greater.
When a
planet forms, its heaviest elements tend to sink towards the centre. This
includes the majority of the trace heavy elements, such as uranium and gold,
but also, significantly, the heaviest of the abundant elements, especially iron.
During any planet’s early years, the centre retains heat that was generated
during its formation. To begin with, this heat is sufficient to keep elements
such as iron in a molten state, but over time this heat is slowly dissipated
into space. Unless more heat is introduced, the planet will eventually cool to
the point that its centre solidifies. This is what has happened, for example,
on Mars. Despite having the largest volcano in the solar system (Olympus Mons),
Mars has been cold for so long that this volcano has not erupted for billions
of years.
the size of a planet will dictate how long it takes to cool, but there are
other factors that can keep a planet hot for longer. The presence of the
heaviest elements is a major factor, as these are usually radioactive and the
radioactive decay may continue for billions of years introducing significant
amounts of heat. The other major factor is tidal forces. Whenever any body is
subjected to tidal forces, energy is introduced into that body, which generates
heat. Jupiter’s moon, Io, is tiny, but is so close to Jupiter that the tidal
forces have kept its interior hot until now, and are likely to keep it hot for
as long as both exist.
Despite its
great distance, the huge gravitational pull of the Sun exerts a tidal influence
on all of the planets in the solar system, extending the “life” of their
interior fires. But on the early Earth the greatest tidal influence was the
Moon. Had the oceans existed soon after the Moon formed, they would have had
daily tides measured in hundreds of metres. This same influence was felt
throughout the Earth. This increased both the heat and motion of the Earth’s
interior. It seems likely that this had a significant effect on plate tectonics
and it is probable that, without the Moon, the Earth would not have such large
continents. This also resulted, significantly, in greater and more prolonged
volcanic activity. This released huge quantities of gases into the atmosphere.
Crucially, it also brought huge quantities of heavier elements from the
interior to the surface, especially iron.
About a
billion years after the Earth and Moon had collided, the Earth had cooled
sufficiently that a relatively stable crust had formed, but it would have been
a very different world to the one we see today. Volcanic activity was far more
prevalent and the atmosphere would have been thick with toxic gases. There was
no free oxygen, the vast majority of it locked up in carbon dioxide. Around
this time, water was finally able to condense to form shallow seas. This was
the first, crucial step in the formation of life. In these seas the material
for the “chemical soup” of life was able to gather, with a huge supply of
atmospheric carbon dioxide available to fuel its development. However, the mere
presence of these ingredients, it seems, would not have been enough for life to
form. The “soup” needed to be stirred. Once again, the Moon’s tidal forces play
an important role. Although by this time the Moon had moved away somewhat, it
was still far closer than today. The shallow seas were violently pulled by its
gravity, agitating the ingredients of our chemical soup more than sufficiently
for the formation of RNA and, hence, presumably, DNA.
In order to
develop and reproduce, life needs fuel. For the first life on Earth the only
readily available source was carbon dioxide. Unfortunately for this life, its
own “waste” product was oxygen, which, in large enough quantities, would have
proven toxic to that life. With no means of removing the oxygen from the
atmosphere, life would eventually have suffocated under its own waste.
Fortunately, the actions of the Moon once again came to the rescue. Its tidal
forces continued to drag huge quantities of iron from the Earth’s interior
(along with, incidentally, an abundant supply of other material, including the
carbon dioxide that life needed to survive). Iron is a fairly reactive
substance that combines readily with oxygen to form rust. The large quantities
of iron (and some other elements) formed an oxygen “sink” that kept the planet
habitable for early life for a long time.
By the time
the oxygen sinks had been used up, the Moon was even further away (although
still close by modern standards) and its ability to drag more iron from the
interior was much more limited. Oxygen levels began to rise about two and a
half billion years ago. As this happened, life that was able to metabolise the
free oxygen also developed. Interestingly, the carbon dioxide-breathing life
forms were also able to flourish.
question that arises from this is whether the tidal effects of the Moon
facilitated the flourishing of life, by allowing time for evolution to work, or
did it retard the development of oxygen-consuming life?
At present,
we do not know with any certainty. The first carbon dioxide-consuming organisms
were extremely simple and may not have been able to adapt to an oxygen-rich
atmosphere. It is likely, therefore, that the release of oxygen needed to be
delayed for some time to allow more complex forms to develop. Equally, the
development of oxygen-consuming life seems to have been an evolution from the
carbon dioxide-consuming forms, rather than a separate development. This, also,
would have required time for the earlier life forms to develop sufficiently
that they could adapt.
On Earth,
there was a period of about one and a half billion years without free oxygen in
the atmosphere. Without the Moon it is likely that this would have been far
shorter, perhaps just a few hundred million years. On the one hand, it is
possible that so short a time would not have allowed the early life time to
evolve to the point where adaptation to the oxygen was possible. On the other
hand, life is tenacious and pervasive. Some argue that adaptation would have
not only been possible, but virtually inevitable.
So, the
Moon was created by an act of great fortune. Its tidal action has helped to
keep the Earth warm and may even have been the necessary “agitator” in the
“chemical soup” from which life formed. It may have helped retard the
production of oxygen long enough for life to be able to cope with that oxygen,
or it may have held back the development of oxygen-consuming life for up to a
billion years. But how has it helped to maintain the stability of planet Earth?
The axis of
the Earth is tilted by about twenty-three degrees relative to its plane of
motion around the Sun. This means that, during the summer months in the
northern hemisphere, the north pole is tilted by twenty-three degrees towards
the Sun. During the winter months, the south pole is tilted towards the Sun.
When the north pole is tilted towards the Sun, the northern hemisphere receives
much more radiation and the reverse is true when the south pole is tilted that
way. It is this tilt that gives us our seasons.
Over long
periods, the gravitational influence of the other planets can pull at the
Earth, pushing it more or less “upright”, changing the tilt and, therefore, the
seasons. Computer modelling of this effect shows that it can be very pronounced
over long periods of time, reducing the tilt to zero or even pushing it to around
ninety degrees, so that the Earth would, in effect, be on its side. It should
be fairly obvious that such drastic changes in the tilt of the Earth would have
dramatic and devastating effects on the seasons. It has been calculated that,
if the Earth were to tip onto or nearly onto, its side, the severe changes in
temperature experienced across the globe would be so great that most of the
Earth would alternate between being colder than the arctic and hotter than Death Valley.
Clearly, this would not be conducive to
life. In fact, there is no known organism that could adapt fast enough to the
extremes that we would experience.
Given that
life has survived and flourished on Earth, it is obvious that such extremes of
tilt have not happened. This, once again, is due to the Moon. Because of its
relatively great size and gravitational influence, the Moon acts as a
stabilizer on the Earth, preventing the tilt from becoming too great. It does
not keep it completely stable and the Earth’s tilt has varied by several
degrees over time, but this modest change has never been sufficient to threaten
the continued existance of life.
Having a
relatively, and unusually, large satellite has helped keep the Earth stable and
it is fairly certain that life here would not have survived without it.
However, this does not mean we can assume that such a large satellite is a
prerequisite for stabilising other planets. As stated earlier, the reason that
the Earth is subject to such a huge potential tilt is the gravitational pull of
the other planets. Another planet may exist where the other planets in the
system are too small, too distant or too few to have so drastic an effect. It
is also possible that other planetary configurations would actualy help to
stabilise a planet’s tilt. It is also true that the Earth was given its tilt by
the collision with the Moon in the first place. Although the other planets
would, nevertheless, have had a dramatic effect on the Earth, it is probable
that such an effect would not have been quite so devastating.
dynamics are extremely complex and there are many potential scenarios in which
one planet may be sufficiently stable as to allow the continued existance and
development of life. Nevertheless, in the majority of instances it is likely that,
over time, most planets would not be sufficiently stable. If the presence of a
large satellite was a prerequisite for the sustenance of life, then it should
be clear from the above that life is an extremely rare event. We cannot, at
this time, say with any certainty what the full extent of the Moon’s influence
has been on life and we do not have any other models on which to base any
assumptions. We can only say that the Moon has played a crucial role here, but, by extension, we can surmise
that unusual circumstances may well be required for both the formation of life
and its continued preservation, let alone for its development into intelligent
forms. It is very likely that considerably fewer than one percent of all
otherwise suitable planets are found in circumstances that are both unusual and
conducive. However, for the purposes of our calculation, we assume the most
optimistic of figures and say that one in ten of planets have unusual
circumstances such as a large satellite. Taking the ages of the stars into
consideration, we now have I = 0.75 x 0.1 = 0.075 (0.75%).
At the
start of this section it was stated that a planet must be relatively stable.
For Earth, the Moon has helped to maintain a relatively stable orbital tilt.
The question of whether a planet has a stable orbit (i.e. close to the plane of
the stellar system and close to circular and maintaining this over sufficient
time) is covered in the earlier section – “P – The proportion of stars with
suitable planets” – as a planet with an unstable orbit would not be suitable.
The remaining aspect of stability that must be addressed is the long-term
climate of the planet. Once again, we will look first at the only available
working model.
on Earth are generally within a sixty degree range, from less than minus twenty
at the poles to over forty in the hottest deserts. For any one place on Earth,
the temperature variation is usually about half of this value, with the winters
being at most about thirty degrees colder than the summers, albeit that greater
variation can occur occasionally. Over the course of modern history (the issue
of human-induced climate change is being ignored here) the average global
temperature has changed little, the extremes of human experience being at most
about five degrees either side of current temperatures. Whilst climate
scientists will, rightly, tell us that even a one degree change would have a
dramatic impact on modern life, taken in the context of the geologic age of
Earth a five degree change is negligible. It might impact greatly on modern
living, but it would certainly not
impact on life itself. Humanity, and the vast majority of other life on Earth,
would easily cope with a change of this size.
Earth has not always been so benign. There have been periods in its history
when the temperature has varied from the current average by considerably more
than five degrees. There have been times when the Earth has been so warm that
tropical forests have grown close to the poles and other times when it has been
so cold that ice sheets have almost completely covered its surface. Despite
these extremes, life has survived and thrived, albeit with occasional setbacks.
There have been several “mass extinctions”, when climate change or other events
have impacted so greatly on the environment that a significant proportion of
life has been destroyed. However, such upheavals have usually been a two-edged
sword, and it is for this reason that a planet must be relatively, rather than wholly, stable.
Around two
and a half billion years ago, the first oxygen-consuming life forms appeared on
Earth. These evolved, as did their carbon dioxide-consuming cousins, into a
number of forms, all of which were still relatively simple. Then, evolution
appears to have stalled. Nothing more complex appeared until almost two billion
years later, at a time known as the “Cambrian Explosion”, when the ancestors of
almost all modern life appeared in just a few hundred million years. The event
that caused this sudden “kick-start” of the evolutionary process has been
nicknamed “Snowball Earth”.
There are a
number of cyclic events that have an effect on the Earth’s climate. The slight
changes in the Earth’s tilt has already been mentioned. The direction of this
tilt also changes over time. Anyone who has observed a child’s spinning top
will have seen how the axis of the top slowly spins, in addition to the
spinning of the top around that axis. The same is happening with the Earth,
albeit on a much longer scale. The Earth’s axis rotates, relative to the
“fixed” background of stars, once every twenty-three thousand years. Although
this does not affect the total radiation that strikes the planet, it does
affect where that radiation hits. If
the direction of tilt causes areas with a lot of ice to receive more radiation,
then a higher percentage of that radiation is reflected back into space. On the
other hand, if more ocean receives the radiation, then far more is absorbed.
The Earth’s
orbit is not a perfect circle. It is, in fact, more properly called an ellipse
and, over long periods of time, the gravitational pull of other planets can
cause this ellipse to stretch and contract, meaning that the Earth travels
further away or closer in to the Sun.
The Sun,
also, is a variable star: its output is not completely constant. There is an
eleven year cycle of sunspot activity, during which the Sun becomes more
active. It also undergoes long-term variations. Neither of these causes a huge
change in the Sun’s output, but a small change in the Sun can have a significant
effect on Earth.
All of the
above are cyclic events; that is, they occur in regular, predictable intervals.
Occasionally, these events occur in combination, sometimes cancelling out each
other’s effects and sometimes reinforcing them. If enough of these cycles occur
together, their cumulative effect can have a very dramatic effect on Earth’s
climate. Over the last few million years, for example, there has been a regular
cycle of cooling and warming that has resulted in an ice age occuring approximately
every hundred thousand years. The length and severity of these ice ages has
varied because of the variations in the numerous cycles that can affect Earth’s
There are
other, unpredictable, factors that can also affect the climate. If the solar
system passes through a cloud of dust and gas, the amount of energy from the
Sun may be severely reduced. Nearby supernovae can flood the region with
radiation. If one of these were to occur at the wrong point in the normal cycle
of climate change, it can greatly exacerbate the effects of that cycle.
It is not
known which, if any, such external event occurred almost a billion years ago,
but something certainly did affect the Earth’s climate to a catastrophic
extent. At that time the Earth entered an ice age, but it grew so cold that the
ice did not stop in the usual place. Instead, it continued growing until
virtually all of the Earth’s surface was covered. Although it may seem that a
particularly severe series of coincidences might have been required for this to
happen, in truth, this is not the case. Ice is one of nature’s most reflective
substances. The more ice there is on the Earth, the more of the Sun’s energy
gets reflected back into space, reducing the temperature of the Earth still
further. It has been calculated that there is a “tipping point”, beyond which
the normal warming cycle cannot recover the surface from the ice. Once this
tipping point is passed, the continued growth of ice is inevitable until
unusual circumstances allow the planet to warm again. Earth’s tipping point is
only a little beyond the normal maximum extent of ice during the colder ice
ages, so it would require only a small additional reduction in temperature for
“Snowball Earth” to have happened.
Earth continued for many millions of years. It is not known with certainty how
it finally escaped from the grip of the ice, but the favoured theory is that
volcanic activity was able to create gaps in the ice and spew gases and dust
into the atmosphere, eventually creating a greenhouse effect (once again the
Moon gave us a helping hand!) Life had clung on during this period in only a
limited number of places. The ice may not have quite fully covered the Earth,
allowing small pockets of open ocean or land by the equator. Other forms of
life may have clung on near the volcanic vents, while some others may simply
have been dormant.
were clearly very harsh. What little life existed was forced to adapt and it
would seem that this is what created the greater variety of life forms that
became known as the “Cambrian Explosion” during the millions of years after
Earth again thawed out.
life has only existed on Earth since that thaw. It has been subject to numerous
catastrophic events in the half a billion years that it has existed. A
principle of evolution is that, the more complex an organism, the more specific
it is to its environment. The catastrophes that have struck Earth have often
killed off huge numbers of creatures who have been unable to adapt. Equally, more
complex life is faster, smarter and more aware of its surroundings. It has been
able to move away from its limited environment and occupy other, more
comfortable surroundings, where it often has had to adapt itself over and over
It should
be clear now that a planet must have a reasonable degree of stability to allow
life to survive, but it must not be too
stable, or life is not given the stimulus to adapt and evolve. The fossil
records show at least two occasions when life on Earth was almost completely
wiped out and about a dozen where a significant percentage of life and/or
species were destroyed. Had any of the events that precipitated these
“extinction events” been a little more severe then life may have been wiped out
completely. On the other hand, had these events not occurred then other forms
of life may not have had the “space” to expand into and evolve into the more
intelligent forms we see today. The obvious instance of this is the last great
extinction event, about sixty-five million years ago, when a huge asteroid
impact wiped out the dinosaurs, allowing the small mammals to eventually grow
and take their place.
We cannot
be certain that the dinosaurs, or the giant reptiles that preceded them, could
not have eventually developed intelligence. However, given the millions of
years in which they could have done so, there is no evidence that it did occur. Our best estimates of the
capacity of these creatures suggests that their brains were exceptionally tiny,
mostly because there was little need for anything larger. They had enough
capacity to acquire food and to reproduce and no need for anything further. The
only creatures at that time that had a “surplus” brain capacity were small.
Possibly these creatures needed to be smarter to avoid being eaten; perhaps
they needed more intelligence to find their food. However, they would never
have evolved beyond this stage without the extinction event, because the
reptiles and dinosaurs were so dominant.
We can say
with reasonable certainty that occasional “disasters” are good for stimulating
evolution, so long as they are not so severe as to wipe out life altogether. In
this, the position of a planet within the “Goldilocks zone” is crucial. If the
Earth had been where Mars is now, then it would have completely iced over at
every glaciation and would almost certainly have never recovered from the
“snowball” phase. Equally, Earth could not have been too much closer to the
Sun. At times in the past, the average temperature has risen to over forty
degrees in the temperate zones, meaning peaks of over fifty degrees. It is
known that RNA begins to break down at a little over seventy degrees. If the
Earth had been much closer to the Sun, the temperature could easily have risen
beyond this point, destroying life.
There are a
huge number of variables that affect a planet’s continued stability, making any
estimate of the number that have the “right amount” of stability somewhat
subjective. However, the evidence from Earth suggests that the “right amount”
lies in a fairly narrow range. For the purpose of the present calculation, we
shall assume an optimistic 20% of planets lie within that range.
Taking all
of the above into consideration we arrive at a value of I = 0.75 x 0.1 x 0.2 =
0.015 (1.5%).
T - the likelihood of such intelligence both surviving
and still being extant
all of the conditions are right, an intelligent species will develop. This will
take at least two and a half billion years, and may take almost as long as the
life-span of the parent star. There is no guarantee that such life forms will
go on to develop technology. An obvious example is that of an aquatic species,
that may be intelligent, but lacks suitable limbs. Lack of suitable limbs may
not preclude technology, but would certainly retard its development. However,
it appears that humans were using tools long before they had evolved sufficient
intelligence to develop technologies. The implication is that any sufficiently
intelligent species is likely to develop the use of tools and the use of
technology is simply an extension of that. For this reason, we shall assume
that the vast majority of intelligent species will develop technology.
question of survival arises from the fact that our own species remains so close
to self-annhialation. With technology comes great power. Humans could
all-too-easily wipe themselves off the planet. However, we have not done so as
yet, which gives hope that other species could also show restraint.
It is
probably a safe assumption that at least 90% of species that have sufficient
intelligence would go on to develop the right technologies and also not manage
to destroy themselves. The only remaining question, therefore, is whether they
have the right technology and whether
they are using that technology right now.
It is
likely that the vast majority of species will take longer than the
two-and-a-half billion years minimum determined earlier – in the section “I –
The proportion of life forms that develop intelligence” – to evolve enough
intelligence to use technology. A reasonable estimate would suggest that about
half of the species that will eventually develop such intelligence are still on
the evolutionary ladder.
prerequisite for the development of technology is the necessary resources. On
Earth, huge quantities of iron, in particular, but also other heavy elements,
were drawn out from the interior by the tidal pull of the Moon. It is certainly
conceivable that many planets which have life, do not also have a sufficient
quantity of minerals and metals to allow technology to develop. If iron were as
rare as gold on Earth, the iron age would never have taken place and
technological developments on Earth that we now take for granted would likely
not have occurred for many thousands of years yet, if at all. We need only look
at those parts of the world that are deficient in minerals and metals to see
the effect that this has on development.
Assuming a
species has the intelligence and resources necessary, it is fairly certain that
they would develop radio technology in a fairly short time, just as humans have
done. On the other hand, they may also develop better technologies fairly
quickly, as humans appear to be doing. However, any such species, if they are
as interested in the prospect of contacting alien species as humans are, would
also be well aware that radio is among the first technologies that such species
would develop. It is quite possible that such species would continue to
broadcast, or at least monitor, radio signals long after such technology has
become redundant. However, such issues are a matter of speculation only, at
this time. For the present calculation, we need only concern ourselves with
those species that are capable of
using radio right now, not whether they are actually broadcasting.
the requirement of resources, the likelihood of having risen far enough up the
evolutionary ladder and the possibility that some species may not be able (or
willing) to develop technology, a reasonable for T would be about 0.1 (10%).
The Result
We can now
put these figures into our equation:
N = S x Sv
x P x L x I x T
= 2,000,000,000
x 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.05 x 0.015 x 0.1
= 15 intelligent,
technologically advanced
civilisations in our galaxy
The major
caveat to this figure is that we have only really considered life as we know it. However, carbon-based
life utilises chemical reactions that are far more vigorous than those of other
forms, such as silicon-based life. This does not preclude such life forms
appearing, but they would have a much more difficult evolutionary processes
than those utilising carbon.
On the
other hand, the figures used above should all be considered somewhat
“generous”, in that the highest possible (and still reasonable, given the
available information) value has been used, not simply out of optimism, but
also to try to make some allowance for those circumstances that cannot be
foreseen from our limited perspective. Less optimistic (some may say “more
realistic”) values give a considerably lower number. In fact, the least
optimistic numbers suggest that life on Earth is probably unique in the
universe, let alone in our galaxy.
Today, most
religious leaders, in the light of discoveries about the universe, concede that
the view that humanity is unique is probably flawed. At the opposite extreme,
scientists continue to use the life equation to suggest that intelligent,
technologically advanced life is abundant in the galaxy. Whilst, clearly, the
values used in the life equation must, generally, be considered subjective, it
is also clearly in the interests of science to use the most optimistic values,
as there are so many programmes whose funding would be threatened if
governments were not being convinced of the likelihood of finding life.
However, it
is hoped that the above demonstrates that the figures used by science – which
have changed little since the life equation was first devised – should now be
considered wildly optimistic. Recent discoveries have shown that life on Earth
has been extremely fortunate and this good fortune must, surely, be taken into
consideration. Science need not deceive us any more. The most optimistic
figures used above still give around fifteen technologically advanced
civilisations in our galaxy. Whilst this would mean that they are
thinly-spread, the search for them will, eventually, be fruitful.
On the
other hand, if life on Earth really has been so lucky, it is very possible that
the church – albeit for the wrong reasons – was right in the first place and
humanity really is unique in the universe.