The Wrong Question
If you were
to ask someone “Do you believe in God?” the only possible answers are “Yes”,
“No” or “I am not sure”. Very rarely do people think for very long before
answering this question. Considerably more thought goes into answering the
follow-up question of “Why?” and the answers are as varied as the people
questioned. Very rarely, however, are such answers lacking in flaws.
The answers
are usually flawed for a simple reason. It is not that the respondents lack
intelligence or that their rationale is illogical, it is simply that they
rarely put as much thought into the first question as the second. When a person
is asked if they believe in God, they almost always have an idea in mind of
what God is and so, therefore, they do not pause to consider what they are being asked about. Given
any individual’s preconceptions about “God”, the rationale they pursue in
considering its existence may be completely logical. However, another person’s
preconceptions will differ – even if only slightly – and the logical
conclusions that they reach may be
wildly differing.
question, therefore, that must be asked before we can decide whether “God”
exists, is ‘What is “God”?’
It is
perhaps of greatest importance to determine whether God is singular or plural.
All of the monotheistic religions preach a singular entity, although
catholicism divides that entity into three. There are other religions and
mythologies with a larger pantheon of gods. In the majority of these we find
that there is a single being that is described as the ‘creator’, with the other
gods usually in a subservient role (at least initially). Whilst this is not a
universal view, it is useful, for the purposes of determining what “God” is, to
view it as a singular entity responsible for bringing creation into being.
This is far
from a complete definition, but even this little is sufficient to cause
consternation without justification and may be used to illustrate why a
person’s preconceptions will lead them to flawed conclusions about whether God
A believer,
upon hearing this definition, will usually respond affirmatively, as they
clearly believe that the universe had a creator who was (is) God, whereas the
atheist would say that it clearly did not. Any ensuing argument could be
curtailed if the believer is made to realise that the “God” they believe in is
merely a subset of all the possible “Gods” contained in this definition and the
atheist is made to realise that what they do not believe in is also a subset of
the possible “Gods”.
A part of
the problem is that some of the words used have emotive connotations. “Creator”
is a term often used in religious texts to describe God himself and “entity” is
usually taken to imply a being of some sort. However, in this definition
“entity” must be taken in its broadest possible context and, when this entity
is described as being “responsible” for creation, this must not be taken to
imply conscious design.
The latest
beliefs of science are that the universe was created around thirteen billion
years ago. At this time the universe was considerably smaller than it is today,
occupying, according to some theories, so small a space as to be described as a
‘singularity’ – literally a point with no height, width or depth. Science does
not claim to have all of the answers (yet), but can trace the evolution of the
universe back to a very short time – literally a fraction of a second – after
the moment when this ‘proto-universe’ began its life. To anyone willing to
study the mathematics of this process, there is a logic to it that stands up
well to all current investigation. (Whether the science of cosmology is telling
us how the universe evolved or whether God created the universe around 4004 BC
and made it look like it was evolving
is not the debate here.) Suffice to say that the science is very well founded
in observation and theoretical mathematics and can trace the (actual or
apparent) evolution of the universe back to a very short time after it began.
Science is
faced with a number of problems in trying to trace this evolution further back
those vital few moments to its beginning. The physical laws with which we are
all familiar break down completely. The universe is, at that time, governed
entirely by laws that – today – apply only in the microcosmic world – the world
of the very small. All that science can say with any certainty (and not too
much of it) about the moment of creation is that it was a “quantum event”
governed by the laws of (the very poorly named) “chaos theory”. In very crude
terms, creation was a random event. It is more accurate to describe it as the
result of probability collapse (more on this below). This does not, however,
answer such questions as why the probability
collapsed when and how it did or whether such collapse was inevitable.
One atheist
view (probably the most dominant) is that science will inform us of the nature
of the universe, if not now then eventually. In this way the universe can be
explained without recourse to a “God”. However, if “God” is “an entity responsible
for bringing creation into being”, then God, according to science, is a random
probability collapse. The crude definition of “God” above does not imply
intelligence or will. Therefore the atheist who rejects God based on this
definition is also rejecting his own beliefs and the believer who accepts God
based on the same definition is also embracing the cold mathematics of the
preconceptions must be set aside before the question of the existence of God
may be answered. In fact, there are many preconceptions about both God and the
Bible that misinform the opinions of many people. Each of these preconceptions
tends to create greater division between the two sides of the arguments. Most
of these divisions are artificial, a result of lack of understanding or, very
often, a great weight of historical inertia that pushes an erroneous view for
what amount to “political” reasons.
Science and
religion are usually viewed as being “opposites”, but this is mostly a result
of the fact that most people do not properly understand either. Worse, many of
those that do understand have
historically tended to push their own agendas, almost always resulting in
further misinformation. To those that have understanding of both “camps”, this
is increasingly frustrating. It is clear that the “God Question” is causing
unnecessary confusion to both sides and, further, it is retarding the
development of both. Science is, in its pure form, the quest for truth, while
religion is faith in the truth. The two should, ideally, be different facets of
the same thing, yet they are increasingly seen as opponents. Too many believers
are engaged in what should be a pointless defence of their faith, while too
many otherwise intelligent and rational atheists are engaged in finding ways to
further debase and ridicule religion. A clearer understanding of both will
show, firstly, that they are nowhere near so far apart as is believed and,
secondly, each can help to inform the other. With this in mind, let us return
to the important issue of determining what
God is.
In addition
to being the creator of the universe, the most common attribute ascribed to God
is that of being infinite. This is a term that causes great confusion on all
sides. “Infinite” is a quite specific term for the least specific concept in
the physical universe. It means “without boundary”, but, when applied to God,
we are not always certain whether this refers to space, time, knowledge or
capacity. In fact, for any entity to be truly infinite in any one of these spheres,
it almost certainly must be infinite in the other three and it is the generally
held belief amongst religious authorities that this is the case.
generally, and mathematics in particular, has a huge problem with infinity. To
begin with it is not possible to pin it down to a particular definition. For
example, it is the result of dividing one by zero. However, it is also the
result of dividing two by zero – or any other number by zero (except, perhaps,
zero itself, but that is a debate for elsewhere). Conventional thinking tells
us that, since two is twice the size of one, the result of dividing two by zero
should be twice the size of dividing one by zero. In fact, both result in
infinity. Mathematically, this means that the presence of an infinity in a
calculation is a disaster.
infinity cannot be given any real mathematical meaning, it is necessary to try
and find some other way of understanding it. In a very real sense this is a
futile exercise, since, by its very nature, it goes beyond whatever attempts are
made to rationalise it. Nevertheless, attempts are made. One such example
sometimes given is that of an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters who,
given sufficient time, will produce a Shakespearean play. This, however, does
not give justice to infinity.
Let us
choose a particular play and count the number of letters, spaces and
punctuation marks in that play. This total is then used to create a line of
monkeys, each with a typewriter. Now, assume that there are an infinite number
of lines of monkeys of this length and give them the absolute minimum amount of
time required to strike a key on the typewriter. It is easy to imagine that,
during that moment, the vast majority of the monkeys will do anything other
than strike a key. It seems almost inconceivable that, even with an infinite
number of lines of monkeys, there would be any in which every single monkey not
only tried to strike a key, but actually succeeded. To most people, there could
at best be only a few lines where this happens. In fact, there would be an
infinite number of such lines. That is not to say that all of the lines would have monkeys that successfully strike
a key,
simply that it is in the nature of infinity that a fraction of it – even a very
tiny fraction – is still infinite. Once this is realised, it should come as no
surprise to find that there are lines of monkeys wherein the keys pressed give,
in order, the correct combination of characters to read along the complete play
that was chosen. Not only that, the number of lines of monkeys that have
managed to write the play will also be infinite. (There would also be, for
example, an infinite number of lines wherein the play has been written
backwards; an infinite number of lines where other plays would be exhibited;
and so on).
It can be
seen that infinity presents a real problem. Common sense tells us that any
number divided by two is cut in half, but divide infinity by two and you still
have infinity. Common sense then tells us that, surely, we have two infinities,
but “adding” them together again still results in infinity. A concept that
defies common sense is equally troublesome to mathematics. However, it is this
very irrationality of infinity that is providing cosmologists with a wealth of
hypotheses about the creation of the universe. These include the idea that,
given an infinite existence, the universe simply must have happened, because all
possible universes will come into existence and ours is simply one of many.
It would be
useful at this point to define what is meant by the “universe”. In theory, the
universe refers to the whole of creation; literally everything. However,
increasingly cosmologists talk in terms of multiple universes. To understand
this, we have to consider dimensions. A dimension can be seen as a direction of
measurement. Any object can be described in terms of its height, width and
depth – these are the standard directions of measurement, each at right angles
to the other. For this reason, our world is described as “three dimensional”.
Any additional dimensions would have to be at right angles to the three “known”
dimensions, but common sense tells us that this is not possible. Since
Einstein, it has become evident that time may be seen as an additional
dimension, but one which is constantly moving (apparently) at a steady rate in
one direction. Other dimensions may
exist, but they would exist outside of our experience. A common illustration
given is that of the flatworlders. Imagine a universe that exists on a piece of
paper. The inhabitants can only move in two directions – up or down the paper,
or left or right. To those people, the world above or below the paper is beyond
their understanding. Increasingly, cosmologists talk of there being additional
dimensions “beyond” the conventional three-plus-time that we experience in the
same way that “above” and “below” are beyond the flatworlders’ experience.
Whilst even cosmologists struggle to understand this concept, these additional
dimensions are readily explained mathematically. In fact, most theories about
the origins of the universe require
the existence of additional dimensions.
when we talk about the universe, we
are referring to the entirety of creation within the three (plus time)
dimensional existence that is within our grasp. This allows for the possibility
of “other” universes that may exist along these extra dimensions. The universe
is somewhat more complex than this, however, as some of these extra dimensions
appear to be a part of this universe,
but still beyond our everyday experience. To understand this, we have to follow
the cosmologists’ model back to the very earliest days of the universe.
It is
common to think of space as being cold – and it is, but not quite as cold as it
could be. Temperature is actually a measure of motion – the more particles move
about, the hotter the substance is and the colder a substance is, the less the
particles within it are moving. In theory, as substances get colder, they will
reach a point at which the particles come to a stop. This temperature has been
calculated to be around minus 273 degrees Celsius and defines the zero point of
the Kelvin scale. Because it is the point at which all motion stops it is impossible,
in theory, to get any colder than this, so it is known as “absolute zero”.
universe has been measured to be around three degrees above absolute zero (In
this context, “the universe” refers to what we call “space” – the gaps between
the stars, which, clearly, are considerably hotter). This small temperature manifests
itself in very long wavelength radiation which can be detected in all
directions in space. It is all that is left of the “big bang” – that initial
burst of energy that marked the creation of the universe.
As we
travel back through time, the universe contracts. The total energy – which
today averages to just a few degrees above absolute zero – remains constant
(more or less), but is contained in an ever smaller universe. This means that
the average temperature rises
continually as we go backwards in time. Eventually a point is reached where the
temperature – the average energy – is too high for ordinary matter to exist.
Molecules break down into atoms and then the atoms break down into sub-atomic
particles. Eventually even these cannot exist. At present, cosmologists have
great difficulty explaining what this pre-particle universe would have been
like. It makes sense mathematically, but defies being put into words. What can
be said is that a point is reached where the ordinary rules of physics totally cease
and a different set of rules apply. The universe at this point almost certainly
had far more than the three dimensions that we experience today. Time did not
“flow” in the way we experience it, but was, instead, a spatial dimension that
could – if people could have existed – be walked along in either direction.
Many other dimensions would have existed, although the exact number has not yet
been settled by cosmologists.
As the
universe expanded and cooled, it seems that some of these dimensions “uncoiled”,
while others remained tightly wound. For reasons not yet certain, three of
these dimensions became the spatial dimensions we know today and one of them
became time. The others are still there – tightly wound together on a level far
below the subatomic. In this sense, some additional dimensions are part of our
universe, but it is also possible that there are further dimensions that are
beyond our experience. If just one additional dimension had “uncoiled”, it may
have taken enough other dimensions with it to create a completely separate
universe – or series of them.
cannot yet tell us what happened “in the beginning”, but each new discovery
brings it ever closer. To date, they can say with a great deal of certainty
what happened back to a (relatively) short period after that beginning
(assuming the “big bang” was the beginning. There may yet be a “before” the big
bang, but that event certainly marks the beginning of this phase of the
universe’s existence.) What is now certain is that what we perceive as the
“normal” rules of physics did not apply in that early universe. Large particles
could not exist, so all events were
governed by the laws of the very small – what is known as quantum physics. In
fact, those laws (or, rather, some of them) do
apply today, but on the quantum level.
One very
important and measurable application of quantum laws can be seen in
photosynthesis – the process by which plants capture sunlight and convert it to
energy. This occurs in large molecules that work somewhat like miniature
production lines. At one end the light is “captured” – it is used to “excite”
an electron (that is, to give it additional energy). This excited electron is
then able to escape from the atom to which it was bound and is passed along a
series of atoms, like a conveyor belt, to the far end of the molecule where it
finally comes to rest and can be stored or used by the plant. This seems
straightforward, but the complication arises in the “conveyor belt” section of
the molecule, where the excited electron is able to take any of a number of
different paths to reach its destination. Consider the simplified example
below, in which the electron has just two possible “conveyor” atoms that it can
pass through. There are four possible routes the electron can take:
It should
be fairly clear that not all paths are equally efficient. It is a waste of time
and energy for the electron to pass through both A and B on its way to the
store. A similar, but far more complex, picture is found in plants, where it has
been calculated that, if the electron found its way to the store simply by
random chance, the efficiency would be about 50%. The problem is that this is
far too low. Most plants simply could not exist with such a poor performance. In
reality, measurements have shown that the efficiency of most plants is actually
around 98%, which seems to defy the common sense laws of probability.
are often described as “particles”, but this is a poor description. Although
they can be seen to act like
particles, their true nature is far more complex (and still far from fully
understood). Taking the example above, it can be seen that the electron has, at
each step, two possible paths: to A or B initially; from A to either B or the
store; and from B to either A or the store. Let us assume that each possible
path has an equal probability. Therefore there is a 1 in 2 chance it will go
from the collector to A and the same chance to B. Similarly, if it is at A,
there is a 1 in 2 chance that it will go to the store and a 1 in 2 chance of
going to B, and so on. (For simplicity, assume that it cannot return to any
place to which it has already been.) This means that each of the four possible
paths has a 1 in 4 probability.
In reality,
the electron will travel down all of the
possible paths. It can do this because an electron does not simply “exist” in
one place at any one time. At any instant, an electron has a partial existence
in each of a number of different places and each of these different places
represents a probability that the electron exists at that location. In the
example above, 25% of this probability is represented by each of the four
possible paths. This is not the same as saying that the electron is 25% likely
to travel down any one path – a part of the electron’s existence travels down
each of the four paths. It is only when the electron interacts with the rest of
the world that it acts like a particle. In the above example, the shortest path
is the first, through point A. As soon as that part of the electron which takes
this route reaches the store, it interacts with it. At that point of
interaction, the electron acts like a particle. Further, because that
interaction is a certain (i.e.
probability of 100%) event, all of the other possible events (travelling along the other paths) are reduced to
zero probability. In other words, as soon as the electron reaches its target,
it acts as though it had simply taken the fastest route, whereas, during the
journey, it had attempted to take all
possible routes. This is described as quantum probability collapse. All
so-called sub-atomic “particles” behave in this way. They exist as “probability
density functions” – a collection of possible events, each of which is
completely real, until they interact with the rest of the universe and these
possibilities are forced to become a single actuality.
Whilst this
all seems somewhat bizarre, the evidence of photosynthesis provides indirect
proof that this is what actually happens. Remember that, in the early universe,
large particles could not exist. This means that any events that occurred
during the creation of the universe must
have been governed by the laws of quantum physics, no matter how strange those
laws might seem to us. So, how might these laws have created our universe?
Space is
not empty. If we could travel to the most remote part of space and take out an
ultra-powerful microscope, we would see that, way below the atomic level,
matter is continually being created. However, for each “particle” of matter
that is created, its “anti-particle” is also created. The particle travels
forwards in time, the anti-particle travels backwards in time and, when the two
meet, they annihilate each other. The net result is that there is nothing.
However, if these particles encounter sufficient force or energy then they can
be influenced to avoid their mutual annihilation. It is believed that this
happens at the edge of black holes, for example, where the intense
gravitational pull will drag in whichever of the particles is closest, allowing
the other, eventually, to fly off into space. The probability of these
particles “missing” each other, and thus avoiding annihilation, is almost
infinitely small under less severe conditions than the proximity of a black
hole. However, it is not zero. In the “real world”, such a probability is so
low that it has probably never happened during the life of the universe.
However, what if the “universe” were infinite in size and time was no longer a
If we
return to our infinite rows of monkeys, the element of time has been,
effectively, removed, because each of the monkeys is only given enough of it to
strike a single key – in effect, we are dealing with a “moment”. Yet, in that
moment, we will find that there are an infinite number of rows in which the
desired play is spelled out.
At the
moment of creation (we cannot say “before” – this is a meaningless concept, as
time had not yet “started”) we have, similarly, an instant. But this “instant”
is infinite in space and also in the various other dimensions. Within this
particles are created, along with their anti-particle and, in almost every
instance, mutually destroyed. However, in an infinity of existence, there must be many (in fact, an infinite
number) instances where the particles manage to avoid such destruction, just as
there would be an infinite number of monkeys that manage to strike a key.
Similarly, if we have an infinite number of particles (and anti-particles)
being created, it is a small step to imagine that sufficient particles may be
gathered together in one “place” as to form what would then become our
This leads
us to some interesting questions. Just as our monkeys would produce an infinite
number of copies of our play, does the process of creation produce an infinite
number of universes? On the face of it, the answer to this must be “yes”, but
remember that we are talking about quantum events. The very creation of our
universe creates a “certain” event. According to quantum probability collapse,
this means that all of the other “possible” acts of creation acquire zero
probability and thus would not happen. In our monkey analogy, this means that,
in creating a line of monkeys which has the desired play, all of the other
lines of monkeys instantly disappear. If this seems strange, consider another
of the bizarre laws of quantum physics, which is famously illustrated by a
“thought experiment” known as “Schrödinger’s Cat”.
Imagine a
box, into which is placed a cat that is very much alive and healthy. Also
inside this box are a small piece of radioactive material and a sealed jar of fast-acting
poisonous gas. This gas can only be released when a trigger mechanism is struck
by radiation. Once the cat is inside, the box is sealed. The longer the cat is
left in this box, the greater the probability that the radioactive material
will decay, releasing radiation and thus triggering the release of the poison.
Assuming enough time elapses that it becomes highly probable that this has
happened, the question that arises is “Is the cat alive or dead?”
sense tells us that, assuming the radioactive material has decayed, the cat
will be dead. However, the process of radioactive decay is a quantum event and
it should now come as little surprise to find that common sense has to give way
to the rather bizarre rules of quantum physics. Under these rules, no event is certain until it impacts upon the rest
of the universe. To be more precise, quantum events remain only probabilities
until they are measured. It is the act of measuring that forces certainty. Thus,
the radioactive decay, which is a probability event, may have triggered the release of gas and it may not. It is only
when this is measured that the
probability collapses and becomes a certainty. In practical terms, this means
that, unless and until the box is unsealed and opened, the cat is both alive and dead. The more time
elapses before the box is opened the greater the probability that the cat will
be found dead. Let us assume that, after two minutes this is 50% and after one
hour it is 99%. After two minutes, if the box is unopened, the cat is 50% alive
and 50% dead. If the box is opened at that time, the cat will instantly be
either 100% alive or 100% dead. If you have a thousand such boxes, then about
500 of the cats will be dead and the other 500 alive. Similarly, after an hour,
the cat is 99% dead and 1% alive, but opening the box at this time also
collapses the probability and the cat becomes either 100% alive or 100% dead.
If there are a thousand boxes then only about ten of the cats will still be
alive, but, up to the moment the box is opened, all 1,000 will be both alive and dead.
Cat illustrates a very real law of quantum mechanics. It is not designed as a
metaphysical or philosophical idea in the same way as, for example, the
question “If a tree falls in the forest and there is no-one there to hear, does
it make a sound?” Events on the quantum level are always only probabilities
until their impact is felt by the rest of the universe. In the case of photosynthesis,
the excitement of an electron and its path to the far side of the molecule are
both quantum events. Once the far side is reached, the energy the electron
contains is used by the plant. In making use of the energy, the plant exhibits
(no matter how small) a change in behaviour that is evident to (i.e. observed
by) the rest of the universe, thus causing a collapse in the probability of the
path taken by the electron. This, in turn, collapses the probability of the
creation of an excited electron (an excited electron has arrived, therefore an
excited electron was created).
It is often
at this point that common sense attempts to re-assert itself and insist that,
surely, the cat is an observer. No
matter how fast-acting the poison, the brain takes time to cease activity,
during which the cat is sufficiently aware to have observed the fact that it is dying. This is true as far it goes.
However, so long as the box remains sealed, to the rest of the universe the
demise of the cat has yet to be observed. Thus, the cat is still both alive and
dead. Despite this almost impossible paradox, it is an essential part of
quantum law. Without it, photosynthesis would be so inefficient that life as we
know it would never have existed.
On the one
hand, we have a set of laws that utterly defy common sense and science will
almost certainly discover even more bizarre laws in the future. On the other
hand, belief in God is described as “irrational”. Furthermore, science is
increasingly reliant on infinity to provide an explanation for creation, yet
infinity is mathematical nonsense. If God exists and is infinite, then he
represents all that is irrational, yet one of the fundamental aspects of God as
presented in religious texts is that he is the embodiment of order.
Once we introduce
the concept of infinity, we also introduce paradox – on both sides of the
arguments. It may be that paradox turns out to be a fundamental law of the
universe(s), but, for now, provides little help in resolving the question of
what God is.
It may be
of benefit to determine what God is not,
a process that will also show how entrenched positions on all sides of the “God
Question” have generated erroneous preconceptions.