The Worlds of Jeff Morris ©

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Your Word is Truth, John 17:17

On the left of this text the blue navigation column is on all my page's so you can navigate anywhere in this site and you won't get lost, if you click on a link that take's you outside this site it will open in a new tab or window. Have a good look round go anywhere you want, before you leave this site you must visit the guest book (at the bottom of this page) and if you want to leave a comment of your own then fill an entry in from your self to add to the list of other comments. if you don't you may receive one of my unique viruses (ha-ha).

Anything underlined is another link.

Welcome Computer Board 2
May 12th is National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!
At present I am very busy with an old project .
Most of you might feel left out as I'm not the best at keeping in touch during critical times never-lone normal times, so bear with me for a little while and give me a nudge to remind me your still out there.

Click to play nocturne

Domain name: ™ ℗ ® ©
Email Address: dr_jeff_morris ™ ℗ ® ©
(your name here)

© ® ℗  ™  גפרי מוריס :werbeH ni emaN yM 

Jeff means: Peace

Jeffrey means: Gods Peace

Morris means: Christian Saint

      Mobile No is: 079 22 23 88 66
    Land line is: 024 76 73 76 76

Click hear to download Tchaikovsky, Pyotr\Swan Lake Suite

click here to download Suite

Click here to download song 134 music


Click this if you don't like Me

dr_jeff_morris, Dr_Jeff_Morris, Shalloch Bungalow, dr jeff morris, Dr Jeff Morris, 24/12/1960, 07922238866, 02476737676, R2R,

Click to play suite

This is me
There will be a better one when I'm fit (ha-ha)


My Sweetheart
Click to see Me & Valerie
She keeps Me right, even though I'm a handful


Looking at the scriptures in-depth
Click to try the magnifying glass
Wont need glasses in the new system

A free glass of beer if you find it!


Link to Alcahol page

Click for song 134 music

This is the second site with this URL as the first one got deleted, so this is still under construction and has only just been built (07 June 05). Regarding my new project, you will have to be patient with me as time is not on my side at present. If you have any comments then please use this site to leave comments or a message, there is a contact page with Email links. Have Fun in viewing my site and mind you don't miss much, as I said you can't get lost.

Confusion, he say:

"A Friend in Need usually takes ages to pay you back."


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please visit my guest book
and leave your mark Below
(Guestbook is public)


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